Emotional Intelligence: Aligning Skill, Behaviour and Emotion
Using Mental and Verbal Agility to Manage Yourself and Others
How well do you know yourself?
How well do you manage your emotions?
Do you possess the mental and verbal agility to influence those around you?
Having these skills are crucial in life and because of the environment we are now in, we fundamentally believe that we have the responsibility to produce an EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE course with the right focus. This means truly addressing the challenges that exist in the workplace in a way that will create IMPACT.
This means developing people, inspiring change and transforming work environments where processes are clearer, communication is more respectful and people are more human.
Emotional intelligence (EI) is defined as the ability to understand and manage your emotions, as well as recognize and influence the emotions of those around you.
It is different from Intelligence Quotient (IQ), which is a measure of relative intelligence determined by a standardized test.
EI is an assessment of your ability to think and reason. EI is broken into five (4) distinct parts which are: Self Awareness, Self Management, Social Awareness, and Relationship Management. All of these are important for daily functioning and are major players in achieving both our short and long-term goals. It also helps us to create the right habits and develop the courage to make the right choices.

In this highly interactive 2-day session, participants will learn how to better manage themselves through self-awareness and more effectively influence others through effective social awareness and relationship management. Follow-up sessions will add support to all components of Emotional Intelligence in terms of how it aligns with actual performance.
“Living our values requires that we are authentic in our physical and emotional expression”
– Tony Ragoonanan
Define your purpose, recognize your own emotions, and how they affect your thoughts and behavior.
- Define Emotional Intelligence (EI) and its importance in personal and professional contexts
- EI vs IQ, and why EI is crucial for teamwork and interpersonal relationships
- The 4 components of emotional intelligence
- Why self-awareness is foundational to all other components of EI
- The brain, emotions and the emotional hijack
- Our personal and professional purpose
- Defining values and why they matter
- How behaviours fit into the big picture
- The origin of behaviour
- Understanding your challenge
- Identifying your communication style
Manage your emotions and actions in healthy ways
- Having a growth mindset – A guide to managing YOU
- The belief cycle and motivation theories – The attitude and behaviour link
- Dealing with the dark side (stress, worry and your self talk regarding negative experiences)
- Habits, routines and rituals
- Setting goals and managing time
- Navigating the challenges of unconscious bias
Understanding the emotions, needs, and concerns of other people
- Striking the balance between authenticity and empathy
- Avoiding the number 1 dysfunction of a team
- The trust and psychological safety relationship
- Defining attitudes and how to change them
Can understand the emotions, needs, and concerns of other people
- Conversations and their role
- The laws of influence and their application in relationship management
- Adapting to the communication styles
- Learn pacing and leading techniques for influencing conversations
- Dealing with “difficult” people
- The art of “Speaking up” – Developing assertiveness
- Discuss strategies for integrating EI into personal and professional life
“I went into this with a great deal of hesitancy and unwillingness to engage but Tony’s demeanor, delivery and positive attitude became so intoxicating that it was difficult to withdraw. I honestly feel more aware of my emotional cues to certain situations and was given insight and practical guidelines on how to deal with different situations and people. I would highly recommend this workshop to anyone and would like to have it administered with some of my NGO colleagues.”
Kennedy Everett Maraj
Communications and Events Officer
Amcham T &T
“This was excellent. I never had a session like this before and it will definitely make me change the way I interact with people. I will strongly recommend this training to my family and friends as well. Well presented Tony.”
Ryan Chance
Construction lead
Massy Wood
“Tony’s style and method of delivery are what sets him apart from other presenters. He possesses the ability to connect with audiences from varying backgrounds and this is why he was the facilitator of choice for our Organization…”
Odette Gibson
Proposal Team lead
Massy Energy
“Tony’s technical expertise in the area of Leadership, Sales, Presentation Skills and Emotional Intelligence coupled with his charisma and ability to connect with participants has resulted in extremely positive results and has personally transformed the lives of the attendees.”
Christa Prevatt
Strategist, Coach, Campaigner, Business Growth Expert